30 March 2011

Have a Nice Day!

28 March 2011

Orchids for you, MJ

These two orchid pictures were taken last year when we visited the orchidarium. Since I cannot send the real orchids, I send you the best pictures I took.

May this day bring you all things that you wish for. 

Most of all I wish a Birthday
Full of smiles and cheers

I Still Feel Sleepy

I woke up an hour earlier than my usual time this morning. The time was set one hour forward from 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. the other night to make the daytime longer. Yesterday I set my samsung cellphone manually to the summer time. When I went to bed last night I forgot to set the summer time in my nokia cellphone which I use as an alarm. When I looked at my nokia cellphone this morning it was 6 a.m. so I got up. I thought it was 7 a.m. I do not know that nokia cellphones are automatically set to the summer time. I went down. It was still dark outside. I was half-asleep. I had no other thing to do than turned on the computer and checked my fb, blogs and emails. I posted the graduation greetings for my nephew which I prepared yesterday since he graduates from highschool today.
I still feel sleepy. I just hope that the sun shines today to make my day a better one.

27 March 2011

Sunday Quotes


23 March 2011

Birthday Treats

Kevin had his 7th birthday last March 16. In school he treated his classmates to a bag of candies. I filled the 27 bags with candies and a toy. I forgot to make pictures of his treats. For the teachers, I made these cupcakes.
Here, when someone has his birthday, he should treat his classmates including the teachers. Last Saturday the family of my husband was here. We had a small cocktail party. We are not yet done celebrating his birthday because he will treat his 6 close friends to the kids playground on Saturday. It is really expensive celebrating kid's birthday.

22 March 2011

New Season, New Collection

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Express for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Bird’s chirp wakes me up in the morning. With half-opened eye I see the sunlight through the curtain slit. The sun rises around 6:45. It feels good to wake up with the sound of the birds and a bright daylight. It is spring. The first blossoms in spring are coming out. You can see them under the bushes, along the road, everywhere. Everybody loves spring. The temperature is moderate. People like to stay outside. Reading books and barbecuing are few of the favorite activities in spring.
Shops are now displaying spring collections like swim suits, sandals, tote bags and many more. Since I do not like shopping, I usually search things online. There are lots of online shops where you can buy new spring collections. While surfing on the net, I saw this Monokini.
This monokini style catches my eyes. I like this metallic self-ties and plunging front. It is made of spandex, the best quality you can find. You can only order it online. Free returns and exchange. You can have this sexiest women's swimwear in this spring. Sign up now for Express e-mail because it will give you a chance of winning $200 gift card. You can have ten chances of winning since they are giving ten $200 gift cards. For more spring collections and the sweepstakes rules, please visit their website.
Advertisement Express yourself in this new season and collection.
Visit Sponsor's Site

21 March 2011

Spring 2011 Officially Started

The season of growth; "the emerging buds were a sure sign of spring".
You can see tiny buds coming out. You hear birds chirping early in the morning. So, springtime is here again. The temperature today is between 10-15 degree celsius.

Around 12:21 o’clock this morning was it so far. The spring began officially.
Actually the meteorologist know that the spring begins on 1 March. Their argument is that a period of three months in every season. But the astronomers calculate the beginning of the spring based on the position of the earth with respect to the sun. If it stands precisely above the equator in March, then the spring begins. That this spring begins on 21 March, comes temporarily no longer for. In the coming years begin the astronomical spring every year closely on 20 March and from 2044 even on 19 March.
But anyway, I am glad that the cold days were over. New life has begun. The plants have started to bear flowers and leaves. The birds are busy preparing their nest for the coming of the small ones.

06 March 2011


About this Blog

I make this blog for foreigners who will live in this country, THE NETHERLANDS. Foreigners who are engaged or married they have to learn a lot of things about their new home like the culture, architectures, landscape, government, dikes etc. Especially the Dutch language which is very important in their social life. It is very difficult if they cannot communicate with other people. Most people speak Dutch, only few speaks English.
For visitors and readers, this will give you an idea what this country is. This small country ranks no. 5 in the economic stability in EUROPE. Their architectures like palaces, castles, dikes, ports (air and sea) are amazing.
Their culture is very interesting.

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