Annabel, Kevin and with some other kids played sjoelen during the birthday party of my friend's son. They really had fun. Every time the disks passed through a 4-point gate, they yelled that the entire neighborhood could hear their yell.
Sjoelen is one of the Dutch games. It can be played inside or outside.
Sjoelen is played on a wooden bin (the sjoelbak) with wooden disks. At the end of the bin, there are four gates with small openings where the disks/stones just fit through. In general, players take turns sliding, or "shuffling," the stones to the opposite end of the board with four gates, trying to score points. If all stones are thrown, the stones which do not go through the gates should be taken back. These stones/disks are then for the second and third turn. After three turns, the points are counted. Every gate has a corresponding point like 1, 2, 3 and 4. For example, a stone that passed through in a 3-point gate then the score is 3 points.

The right rule is that the stones in its entire must pass through the opening. There are different rules in playing this game. The players must decide which stones gain points. But there are also official rules in playing this game. The game is often played at home with family and friends. There are many variations in playing sjoelen or shuffleboard (in English term).