30 August 2009
28 August 2009
Dutch nouns form their plural by the addition of either -s or -en to the singular.
tafel - tafels
jongen - jongens
spijker - spijkers
Exceptions: aderen, artikelen, christenen, engelen (angels), maatregelen, middelen, mosselen, redenen, wonderen
2. nouns ending in -erd and -aard and designating masculine beings
sufferd - sufferds
grijsaard - grijsaards
Exceptions: Spanjaard - Spanjaarden
3. all diminutives ending in -je:
koekje - koekjes
huisje - huisjes
4. foreign words mostly of English and French origin
club - clubs
perron - perrons
5. nouns of French origin ending in -eur and -trice
auteur - auteurs
actrice - actrices
ingenieur - ingenieurs
6. foreign words ending in -ier and -oor take -s when referring to people and -en when referring to things
kruidenier - kruideniers
winkelier - winkeliers
portier - portiers
Except: officier - officieren, scholier - scholieren
7. a few native Dutch word denoting male beings
broer - broers
bruidegom - bruidegoms
kok - koks
8. many foreign words ending in -e
dame - dames
garage - garages
9. foreign words ending in unstressed -ie
familie - families
patitie - petities
B. when to add -'s:
Nouns ending in -a, -o and -u (all foreign origin)
firma - firma's
auto - auto's
paraplu - paraplu's
C. when to add -en:
1. nouns with the suffix -sel and compounds with -sel
beginsel - beginselen
opstel - opstellen
toestel - toestellen
When the -en suffix is added to nouns to form the plural the ff. spelling changes apply:
2. nouns with aa, ee, oo or uu drop one vowel an the open syllable produced by the suffixing of -en
maan - manen
peer - peren
muur - muren
3. nouns with long vowels or diphthongs ending in -s change to z
Chinees - Chinezen
huis - huizen
kies - kiezen
4. nouns ending in -ms, -ns and -rs change to z
gems - gemzen
gans - ganzen
vers - verzen
Exceptions: dans - dansen, kikvors - kikvorsen, koers - koersen, krans - kransen, lans - lansen, mens - mensen, pers - persen, prins - prinsen, tendens - tendensen, wals - walsen, wens - wensen
5. nouns with long vowels or diphthongs ending in -f change to v
brief - brieven
neef - neven
Exceptions: nouns of Greeks origin ending in -graaf fotograaf - fotografen, paragraaf - paragrafen
nouns ending in -lf and -rf change to v
golf - golven
wolf - wolven
Except: elf - elfen
6. nouns containing a short vowel and ending in a consonant double the consonant to preserve the short vowel
bok - bokken
fles - flessen
mus - mussen
7. nouns with middle vowels i and a change to e and add -en
lid - leden
stad -steden
schip - schepen
smid - smeden
8. nouns ending in -heid change to -heden
moeilijkheid - moeilijkheden
schoonheid - schoonheden
D. when to add -n:
Nouns ending in -e
echtgenote - echtgenoten
seconde - seconden
bladzijde - bladzijden
E. when to add -ien:
Nouns ending -oe, -o
koe - koeien
vlooi - vlooien
F. these nouns can be pluralized by adding -eren
kind - kinderen
blad - bladeren
ei - eieren
Suggestion: Dutch grammar has so many rule Exceptions. Try to learn the Exceptions.
1. baby 11. ski
2. raam 12. dansen
3. gans 13. kloof
4. filosoof 14. kaars
5. spel 15. letter
6. film 16. eis
7. ader 17. dak
8. schoonheid 18. leraar
9. plooi 19. been
10. secretaresse 20. oom
TaLL ShiPs ShoW, DelfSaiL 2009
Delfsail 2009 was held last Aug. 22-26. There were 36 tall ships on the show.
the Netherlands (17)
Brazil (1)
Bulgaria (1)
Germany (4)
England (3)
Norway (2)
Poland (3)
Russia (3)
Uruguay (1)
U.S.A. (1)
One of the participating ships was an eye-catching, the replica of the famous ship HMS Bounty, which was built in 1960 for the film company MGM, for the filming of the Mutiny on the Bounty. This ship is now used as a training vessel, was first in Europe.
The ships were AmaZing.
27 August 2009
ANSWERS, exercise 1
6. het raam 16. de lengte
WHen to Use the ArTicLes "DE" and "HET"
It is very important to know the Dutch Articles: een, de and het
The articles (LIDWOORDEN):
Here are the rules:
-de of -te: de liefde, de begeerte
-ine: de cabine, de discipline
-se: de analyse, de metamorfose
-xis: de syntaxis
-st: de gunst, de komst, de winst
-suur: de dressuur
-ij: de boerderij, de stomerij
-ing, -ling: de regering, de leerling
-eit: de universiteit, de kwaliteit
-aard, -aar, -erd: de standaard, de leraar, de mosterd
-el, -er: de beitel, de gieter
-em, -lm, -rm: de bezem, de helm, de term
-heid: de vrijheid, de waarheid
-nis: de kennis, de geschiedenis
-age: de plantage, de slijtage
-ie, -iek: de harmonie, de fabriek
-theek: de apotheek, de bibliotheek
-schap (signifying a condition): de zwangerschap, de vriendschap
2. musical notes and instruments: de do, de la, de piano (exceptions: het spinet, het clavecimbel)
3. names of diseases: de griep, de koorts
4. certain abstract nouns: de mens, de natuur
5. names of virtues and vices: de woede, de genade, de liefde
6. names of streets: de Hoofdstraat, de Erasmusweg
7. religions: de moslem, de katholiek
8. names of airlines: de KLM
9. after Meneer and Mevrouw when the profession (not the personal name) Meneer de Voorzitter, Mevrouw de Presidente
10. all plural nouns: de mensen, de meisjes, de steden
11. names of days, months and seasons: de maandag, de april, de lente
12. names of mountains and rivers: de Nijl, de Rijn
13. names of letters of the alphabet: de a, de b, de c
14. names of figures: de zeven, de honderd, de duizend
15. adjectives used as nouns and referring to a person: de rijke, de zieke
16. most monosyllabic words derived from verbs: de lach, de val, de zucht
1. words ending in:
-um: het album, het gymnasium (except de datum)
-dom: het eigendom, het mensdom
-schap (signifying a function): het vaderschap, het priesterschap
-isme: het communisme, het socialisme
-aat: het resultaat
2. the infinitives (verbs): het geven, het werken
3. all diminutives: het kindje, het huisje
4. names of young animals: het kalf, het veulen
5. metals: het blik, het goud
6. minerals: het asbest, het barium
7. names of towns and cities when they are preceded by adjectives: het mooie Amsterdam, het oude Friesland
8. names of squares and parks: het Vondelpark, het Waterlooplein
9. all colors; het blauw, het rood
10. points of the compass: het noorden, het zuidoosten
* Compound Nouns always take the gender of the last noun in the compound:
het ontbijt + de tafel = de ontbijttafel
de kraam + het bed = het kraambed
de bal (ball) het bal (ball, dance)
de bos (bouquet) het bos (forest)
de doek (cloth) het doek (canvass, curtain)
de jacht (hunting) het jacht (yacht)
de pad (toad) het pad (path)
de patroon (patron, sponsor) het patroon (pattern)
de punt (point of a needle) het punt (mark, point)
de soort (species) het soort (kind, sort)
de stof (material) het stof (dust)
de veer (feather) het veer (ferry)
You will know the meaning and article ("de" or "het") when it is used in the sentence.
de or het
example: tafel = de tafel
1. bed 11. huis
2. stoel 12. jongetje
3. resultaat 13. boerderij
4. boek 14. avontuur
5. antwoord 15. dijk
6. raam 16. lengte
7. toets 17. betekenis
8. computer 18. hoofdpijn
9. papier 19. drum
10. drieling 20. racisme
If you don't know the articles, look at the dictionary. Read more...
I had my Dutch Language NT2 II Diploma in 1999. I want to share with you how I learned the Ducth language.
Here are some few tips:
be observant. what they do and say
be expressive. tell freely what you feel, express yourself, do it in a polite way
be honest. tell the mentor that you don't understand
be a member of (library) club
be a researcher, do not stop looking for answers till you find them.
be social. expose yourself to Dutch people, join the group
be an interrogator. ask if you don't understand
self study. don't rely the teachers.
listen to yourself. record your voice so that you will know if you get the right pronunciation
know your ability to learn. if you learn fast it is fine, if not then give enough time to study
study in your own tempo
don't give up. perseverance (doorzettingsvermogen)
lastly, be broad minded. accept individual differences, don't be angry if you are corrected. don't compare. everyone is unique.
20 August 2009
When Beatrix was a young girl, the Dutch royal family fled the German invasion of the Netherlands in World War 2 moving to Great Britain in May 1940 and then to Ottawa, Canada. They returned home in 1945.
19 August 2009
When you look up a word in the Dutch dictionary be sure to take down what part of speech it is. If you know the part of speech then it is easy to construct a sentence.
1. NOUN - zelfstandig naamwoord
meisje, znw (means zelfstandig naamwoord)
meisje o (means onzijdig, when it is onzijdig the article is HET)
het meisje (singular),
meisje + -s = de meisjes (plural)
So, when you use it in a sentence, the sentence will go like this:
The girl eats strawberries.
a. Het meisje eet aardbeien.
b. Het meisje zit aardbeien te eten.
The girls eat strawberries.
a. De meisjes eten aardbeien.
b. De meisjes zitten aardbeien te eten.
Sentence b gives the position of the girls.
(The girl/girls sits/sit eating strawberries.)
2. PRONOUN - voornaamwoord
(she) zij/ze, pers vnw (means persoonlijk voornaamwoord)
3. ADJECTIVE - bijvoeglijk naamwoord
(red) rood, bn (means bijvoeglijk naamwoord)
4. ADVERB - bijwoord
(now) nu, bijw (means bijwoord)
5. VERB - werkwoord
(cook) koken (kookte, past tense), (h. gekookt, participle), ww (means werkwoord)
Hij kookte gisteren ons avondeten.
Hij heeft gisteren ons avondeten gekookt.
These two sentences have the same meaning.
Actions took in the past.
6. PREPOSITION - voorzetsel
(to, on) aan, op; voorz (means voorzetsel)
7. CONJUNCTION - voegwoord
(and, or) en, of; voegw (means voegwoord)
You should know the abbreviations in your dictionary
znw means zelfstandig naamwoord
Zelfstandig naamwoord (noun) can be v (vrouwelijk), m (mannelijk) and o (onzijdig)
Dutch nouns are divided into three groups. Words can be feminine (vrouwelijk), masculine (mannelijk) and neuter (onzijdig)
If the noun is vrouwelijk and mannelijk then the article is DE
If the noun is onzijdig then the article is HET
per vnw means persoonlijk voornaamwoord
bn means bijvoeglijk naamwoord
bijw means bijvwoord
ww means werkwoord
voorz means voorzetsel
voegw means voegwoord
When you take notes don't forget to:
a. write the vrouwelijk, mannelijk and onzijdig. So that you will know the article you are going to use when you construct a sentence.
b. jot down the tenses of the verbs
c. take note sample sentences
d. choose the correct meaning of the word which fits your sentence. One word has many explanations dus choose the right one.
English - Dutch translation
1. noun (name of persons, places and things) - zelfstandig naamwoord
example: he, she, it, they - hij, zij/ze, het, ze/zij
3. adjective - bijvoeglijk naamwoord
example: red, large, good - rood, groot, goed
4. adverb - bijwoord
example: now, here, quick - nu, hier, snel
5. verb (action words) - werkwoord
example: write, read, speak, listen - schrijven, lezen, spreken, luisteren (mostly ends with -en)
6. preposition - voorzetsel
example: at, with, over - aan, op, bij, met, over, in, voor
7. conjunction - voegwoord
example: and, or, yet, because, however - en, of, nog, toch, omdat, echter, maar Read more...
11 August 2009
tHe WoOdEn ShoES or CLoGs


03 August 2009
GaY MaRRiagE, GaY pRidE
The first Gay Pride in Amsterdam (the capital of the Netherlands) was in 1996. Since then the event is celebrated every year, the first weekend of August. It is a 3-day event. This year was from July 31, Aug.1 until Aug. 2. The annual highlights of the Amsterdam Gay Pride are the gay street parties, gay dance parties and the world famous Canal Parade on the Amsterdam canals. The Canal Parade is a colorful parade of boats on the first Saturday of August, which starts from the Westerdokseiland through the Prinsengracht, Amstel, Zwanenburgwal and Oude Schans to Oosterdok. Further there are street parties in various gay night streets in Amsterdam.
In 2001, the Netherlands became the first modern nation to grant same-sex marriages. During the cruise Amsterdam Mayor Job Cohen wed five Dutch-American gay couples.
Thousand of visitors and viewers (around 560,000) came to witness the event. They stood along the side of the canals to watch the parade. Homo, hetero, young and old found the event amusing and entertaining.
It was a cheerful and colorful day.
GAY MARRIAGE, what can you say about it? Is it allowed in your country? What is your idea?
In my point of view, I can say "RESPECT INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES".
Blog Archive
Aug 2009
- GaY MaRRiagE, GaY pRidE
- tHe WoOdEn ShoES or CLoGs
- WHen to Use the ArTicLes "DE" and "HET"
- ANSWERS, exercise 1
- TaLL ShiPs ShoW, DelfSaiL 2009
- DUTCH GRAMMAR: Plural Nouns
- ANSWERS, exercise 2
Aug 2009
About this Blog
For visitors and readers, this will give you an idea what this country is. This small country ranks no. 5 in the economic stability in EUROPE. Their architectures like palaces, castles, dikes, ports (air and sea) are amazing.
Their culture is very interesting.